Be the Strongest, Fittest, Lean-Machine in the Room

(with Isometric Books, Products and Subscriptions from

My Top Selling Programs

7 Seconds to A Perfect Body

The Scientifically Proven Method to Sculpt the Body of Your Dreams and Sky-rocket Your Strength in Seconds!

A complete full body Isometric Program that will teach you step by step exactly how to get the body of your dreams using Isometric Exercise. Sculpt your body from Neck to toes.  Build Bulging Biceps, a Chiseled Chest, Awesome Abs and Legendary Legs, while learning the secrets of strength. This is the foundation of ALL MY PROGRAMS. This is where the journey to a breathtaking body and superhuman health begins...


See Details...




My Exclusive Method for Adding Inches and Packing on Pounds of Muscle in Just Minutes

Build MOUNTAINS of super-strong muscle rapidly. This program, a sequel to Perfect Body, build upon the unrivaled results obtained from Perfect Body and introduces an entirely new system of Isometrics Contractions to allow you to pack on OVER 24 LBS on muscle in JUST 3 WEEKS!

What's more, I'll show you how to supercharge your body to rapidly recover from injury and develop an all-natural chemical cocktail and hormonal powerhouse system that will feed your body through a series of simple techniques.

Exclusively Available to Perfect Body Students Only




Slim in Seconds

The Secrets of Martial Arts Masters & Ancient Chinese Medicine; A 6 Week Solution to SQUEEZE out YOUR Fat!

My Rapid Body Fat Blasting and fat eliminating focused sequel to Perfect Body. Drop over 14 lbs of fat in JUST 7 DAYS! New Isometric techniques that will allow YOU TO BURN 49,000 kcals in just ONE WEEK!!!! Ancient Chinese Medical pressure points & herbal recipes to DRAMATICALLY accelerate your weight loss, key nutritional concepts so you'll never have to count another calorie and so much more...





Project Dragon

Project Dragon - Building a Bruce Lee Body in 12 Weeks or Less

A revolutionary master class in physical fitness. 14 books and over 900 pages devoted to Physical Strength, Muscle Mass, Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition and more. It offers one of the most comprehensive and strength programs available today, the most time efficient, progressive and results producing cardiovascular system ever developed and contains a complete nutritional program that ensures you will never need another diet again.

And you can't buy it, UNLESS you are exceptionally lucky. In 2012 I closed the doors on Project Dragon as a standalone program and let a lucky few purchase it for the last time until I re-released it in 2023, with over 1,000 pages of updates, hours of new video content and more....subscribe to my newsletter to find be on the list for the next release...though you might be waiting a while!






Isometric Mastery - Discontinued

The Inner Circle Members

Launched in Jan 2013, Isometric Mastery is my ongoing Inner Circle program... available only to a select few, Isometric Mastery gives you uncut and unfiltered behind the rope access to my exclusive Inner Circle where you will have total access to everything I personally do for my own workouts, new workouts I create, nutrition, mindset and mental strength training and my personal rants and socially incorrect interviews.

Isometric Mastery ensures that you continue to make staggering progress in your workouts, and provides you with detailed tools and continuous support in all areas of fitness and strength - detailed nutritional guides and coaching, exclusive interviews and video, new workouts and more...

This is where my new workout programs and guides are added as they are arrive each month in the member’s area like clockwork, so as soon as you complete your current training you can just replace it with the latest workouts.


As a member of Isometric Mastery, you’re also going to get access to:

Heart of the Dragon:  My complete guide to cardiovascular training

Strength of the Dragon: My ADVANCED Strength and Muscle Building Program

Fuelling the Dragon: My Complete Nutritional Course

You even get Exclusive Access to my Original Training Journal, "The Pro-Log", Where I Reveal All My Tactics, and Rants Where I expose the Villains of Weight Gain and Self Sabotage, and share with you my key insights into a better lifestyle with staggering strength and fitness. Together we’re going to take a stand for your health, and you will see me chronicle every step.

$27 Per Month on Purchase of Maximetrics or Slim in Seconds

Samurai Strength

Samurai Strength: The Ultimate Guide to Physical & Mental Mastery

Samurai Strength is my ground-breaking collection of books, programs and videos developed from 2013. An ongoing series covering all the areas of my expertise, in topics such as Strength Training, Cardio Training, Nutrition, Philosophy, Injury Recovery, Martial Arts & Self Defence, etc.


Check out the available volumes below.


Samurai Strength Vol. 1 - Isometrics

Samurai Strength Vol. 1 - Isometrics (93 pgs, 20,662 words); A comprehensive guide to the traditional strengthen training methods found in Ancient China and Feudal Japan. Heavily referencing traditional texts and supported by modern scientific analysis.

Samurai Strength Vol. 1 teaches you 43 Key exercises for whole body strength, ancient breathing methods, known to build laser like focus and incredible, near supernatural strength. Containing detailed descriptions of all the exercises, HD photos illustrating every posture and move, including variations I'm not counting in the total...

Further there are detailed pressure points guides to unlock hidden energy and healing techniques and over 2 hours of HD Video Training.




Samurai Strength Vol. 3 - Special Forces Strength and Conditioning

Samurai Strength Vol. 3: Special Forces Strength and Conditioning (131 pgs, 26,843 words) is a cutting edge workout program, based on traditional exercises used in the martial arts and the conditioning exercises I've learned training under instructors to Special Forces units around the world.

Featuring 72 Exercises taught to me by Special Forces Instructors, used to make the leanest, strongest, fastest, fittest warriors on the planet and....11 Routines I developed that generate OVER 2.1 MILLION workouts, with exercises taken from SEALS, MARINES, GSG9 and more. Now, you can use the same training - No Experience Necessary - I've explained EVERYTHING in this detailed guide.

This is supported with a Pushup Mastery Guide (15 pgs, 2,788 words), The Special Forces Workout Deck, 63 mins HD Streaming Video Instruction and a 1 hour 13 min Q&A HD Video.




Samurai Strength Vol. 5 - Advanced Arm Isometrics


Samurai Strength Vol. 5 - Advanced Arm Isometrics (88 pgs, 19,641 words), is the most detailed guide dealing with specific isometrics for the arms. Teaching hundreds of specific exercises to work every aspect of every muscle from the tips of the fingers to the backs of the shoulders and beyond.

With over a lifetime of daily workouts, never needing to be repeated, this guide is the definitive text on isometrics for the arms utilising a traditional aspect of Samurai attire to develop near superhuman strength.

Supported with 61 minutes of in depth streaming video instruction and a 1hr 5min Q&A Video




Samurai Strength Vol 7 - Secrets of Samurai Nutrition Part 2

Samurai Strength Vol 7 - Secrets of Samurai Nutrition Part 2 (204 pgs, 49,932 words), following on from Part 1, this volume focuses on traditional Chinese nutritional therapy and the teachings of traditional samurai houses and author's. Providing clear step by step guides on how to recognize and treat illness and imbalances in the body using food as medicine.

Supported with my personal Favourite Recipes Book, The Dairy Elimination Guide, The Dairy Elimination Checklist, The Gluten Elimination Guide, The Sugar Elimination Guide, The Caffeine Elimination Guide, The Congee Recipe Book, The TCM Food Appendix, The TCM Vitamin Appendix, 5 Health Sheets and 21 mins of Cooking Videos.




Samurai Strength Vol 9 & 10 - The Samurai Secrets to Wrist & Ankle Repair and Rehabilitation

Samurai Strength Vol 9 & 10 - The Samurai Secrets to Wrist & Ankle Repair and Rehabilitation (375 pgs, 97,055 words) is full of highly detailed information covering:

Wrist and Ankle Sprains,

Strains, Tendonitis,

Heel Pain,

Carpal Tunnel,

Foot pain and more.

I've also gone into detail on the treatment of arthritis and how to heal broken bones and fractures. This guide includes multiple herbal formulas, balms, liniments, pills, pressure points and prehab and rehab exercises

This is supplemented with a series of Bonus files, including a small booklet on Aromatherapy and Oils for Pain relief and a small booklet on the best methods for dealing with pain, and some cool infographics. I've also included isometric exercise videos and pre-hab and special samurai rehab exercises.

I've also got some great yoga sequences from my friend Marin, she did a great program for seniors a while back and I really liked two of the routines and teach them to my patients dealing with joint injuries and arthritis, so I've included them here as well.




Samurai Strength Vol. 12 - Living the Warrior's Way, The Secrets of Samurai Philosophy, Part 2

Samurai Strength Vol 12 - Living the Warrior's Way, The Secrets of Samurai Philosophy, Part 2 (164 pgs, 50,964 words) continues the work of Volume 11 and builds on it to teach:

Rén (仁, benevolence, humaneness)

Yì (義/义, righteousness or justice)

Lǐ (禮/礼, proper rite)

Zhì (智, knowledge)

Xìn (信, integrity)

Zhōng (忠, loyalty)

Xiào (孝, filial piety)

Jié (節/节, continency)

With detailed discussion on how to recognize and remove toxic people from our lives and how to live a life of integrity and fulfilment. Then with this in mind I explore the history and development of Esoteric Buddhism which unifies all the previous teachings and introduces us to the perhaps the most important transformative method for self improvement and self perfection - meditation.

You'll also get several Samurai philosophy texts; 4 Infographics, Two recorded meditations, 101 Reasons to Meditate Mini-Guide (32 pgs), 11 Types of Meditation Mini-Guide (11 pgs) and HD Instructional Videos




Samurai Strength Vol. 14 & 15 - Defensive Tactics - The Foundations of Combat

Samurai Strength Vol 14 & 15 - Defensive Tactics - The Foundations of Combat (137 pgs, 45,347 words) - Possibly one of the most important programs I've put together.

This is a rapid fire summary of the intensive training I put my personal students through and members of the the police and military I trained. Based on both my modern and traditional training and the time I spent training under instructors to Special Forces units around the world, leading to qualifying as a Reality Based Personal Protection Instructor certified in Defensive Tactics.

This 137 page manual covers, Pre-Conflict Education with detailed discussion on Equipment and Training Methodology - most people train the wrong way. If you're spending more than 15 seconds on bag work you're doing it wrong. ;-), The Use of Force and Self Defence, The Nature of Conflict, The Elements of Assault and Conflict Indicators.

The Physical Conflict Training works through the Conflict Preparation Stance, Psychological Barriers, Conflict Stances, Movement Patterns, Comprehensive Arm Striking Methods, Weaker Subject Submission Strikes, Combinations, Lethal Force techniques, Elbows, Grabs, Arm Blocks, Specialty Blocks, Leg Strikes, Knee strikes, Leg Blocks, Head Strikes and an awful lot more.

I've also included some bonus files, charts to print out and some of my published articles on concussion and head trauma along with over 4 hours of in depth HD Streaming Video.





Samurai Strength Vol. 17 - Advanced Blood Flow Restriction Isometrics & Ketogenics

Samurai Strength Vol. 17 - Advanced Blood Flow Restriction Isometrics & Ketogenics is 158 pages of Nutrition and Advanced Isometric Training.

Blood Flow Restriction Training began circulating around gyms in whispered hushed tones, the newest and quite possibly most effective mass muscle building technique to come to light in recent years - and unlike all the other fly by night was possible this may actually work. However, blood flow restriction or occlusion training is not this new revolutionary technique - in fact it is one of the primary methods of muscle building used in the Isometric contraction process.

In this Volume of Samurai Strength I will teach you about the safe and proper method of blood flow restriction training I have used with myself and my clients over the years, I will walk you step by step through the key exercises, provide you with a detailed Isometric Blood Flow Restriction (IBFR) routine, but I'll share with you the method I used to avoid the very real and serious dangers BFR training can result from it.

But I'm going to two steps further, I'm going to go into detail on how you can determine whether this method will be beneficial for you, how you can easily determine what your genetic limit is for muscle development and mass building, and provide you with a detailed guide, for building and supporting that mass through your diet and share with you the secret of Ketogenics for building major mass and burning away the body fat in record time, so that you can nearly instantly see the results of this remarkable method of training.

Here’s what you will learn, specifically:

•    What your genetic potential for gaining muscle is   •   What BFR is   •   How BFR works and how IBFR takes it even further in terms of rapid results   •   How to avoid the very real dangers and pitfalls of BFR   •   How to choose the best wraps   •   How to place the wraps the right way - UNLIKE the vast majority of nonsense I see on Youtube   •   The Key Exercises for Rapid Muscle Growth   •   How to eat for bulk   •   How to fit your eating plan around your lifestyle   •   How to eat big while saving money   •   The secret to staying (relatively) lean while bulking   •   How to increase your strength massively   •   The optimum amount of training and way to train for building muscle   •   How to dress to look stronger   •   How to focus on the muscles that will create the biggest visual impact and strength gains   •   How to train and bulk from home   •   The best supplements for accelerating growth   •   AND A LOT MORE!

Also, loads of bonuses including:  4 Infographics •  2 Cookbooks •  The Keto Diet Checklist

The Low Carb Eating Out •  Mistakes •  FAQ's •  Checklists •  The Glycemic Index Guide and a whole lot more!!!




Samurai Strength Vol. 2 - Tanren

Samurai Strength Vol. 2: Tanren (99 pgs, 21,308 words), is the most detailed compilation and instruction in traditional and modern training techniques used in traditional Japanese swordsmanship publically available.

Featuring 53 exercises and drills using the tanren-bo, isometrics and specialized drills based on the drills and traditional techniques of Japanese samurai swordsmanship. This is an essential guide for anyone studying the martial arts or those wanting to develop strength in every range of motion to prevent injury.

Supported with specialized equipment construction guides, and over 2.5 hours of HD Streaming Video.




Samurai Strength Vol. 4 - Knife Combat & Defence

Samurai Strength Vol 4 - Knife Combat & Defence (100 pgs, 25,433 words), is perhaps one of the most important manuals I've written.

Based on my training under special forces, military and police instructor Jim Wagner, and as a qualified Knife Survival instructor of reality based combat, this manual teaches; proven life saving techniques to defend against an attacker with a knife.

Teaching the same disarm and defensive techniques used by the current US military and Special Forces units, along with the detailed instruction on weapon deployment, the Use of Force, the legal system, hostage and terrorist situations and the only attacks, blocks, counters and drills you'll ever need.  Bonus material from US Navy Seal techniques, along with some historical samurai methods of knife combat I have the privilege of learning.

Supported by 2 Infographics, 75 mins HD Streaming Video Instruction and a 1 hour 6 min Q&A HD Video.




Samurai Strength Vol 6 - Secrets of Samurai Nutrition Part 1

Samurai Strength Vol 6 - Secrets of Samurai Nutrition Part 1 (196 pgs, 51,407 words), is a highly detailed guide on modern western nutrition featuring step by step and easily applicable habits to transform your diet and nutrition with supplementary material from traditional samurai authors and Chinese physicians.

Supported with over 1,000 pages of material from 2 Cookbooks, 3 Special Reports, the 6 Week Natural Caveman Food Matrix, Expanded Food Lists, The Food Avoidance List, The Food Substitutes List, the 6 Week Detox Workbook, and my entire Spezzatino Article collection!

You'll learn exactly what to eat, when to eat and how to eat and know exactly what to do to build the body of your dreams.




Samurai Strength Vol 8 - The Samurai Secret to Shoulder Repair and Rehabilitation

Samurai Strength Vol 8 - The Samurai Secret to Shoulder Repair and Rehabilitation at 258 pgs and 65,454 words is the most comprehensive guide to the self repair of the shoulder you can get.

Based on traditional Chinese and samurai medicine, these are the same methods I used to rehab my dislocated shoulder 6 days before my wedding.

The complete guide to rehabbing and rebuilding the shoulder includes multiple herbal formulas, balms, liniments, pills, pressure points and prehab and rehab exercises with 19 bonus video files covering essential point location and some specialist pre-hab exercises.





Samurai Strength Vol. 11 - Living the Warrior's Way, The Secrets of Samurai Philosophy, Part 1

Samurai Strength Vol 11 - Living the Warrior's Way, The Secrets of Samurai Philosophy, Part 1 (167 pgs, 56,755 words) covers traditional Asian philosophy including historical discussion and beliefs of Taoism, Mikkyo Buddhism, Confucianism, Zen and more, and how these philosophies culminated to shape the ideals, values and beliefs of the Samurai.

Along the way I show how these ideas can be applied to modern life and show you:

How to be far more productive * How to increase concentration and focus * How to look for the obvious and hidden meanings * How to understand the 5 Elements and organise your day and diet according to its principles * How to negate anger and use Proper Breathing Technique * The importance of proper language * How to De-program ourselves of fear * The Nature of High and Low States * How to ensure a positive mindset * How to build Structures, Systems and Schedules * How to use Sound and Image to create a positive mindset and overcome fear * How to deal with Grief * How to cultivate a spirit of non attachment * How to Build Behaviours that lead to success * How the Samurai Set Goals, and the key to lifelong satisfaction and how to escape suffering and Stress.

Supported with over 55 mins of HD Video, and mini-guides on

Dealing with Stress  Samurai Goal Setting   Dealing with Grief and Loss  Overcoming Fear   Dealing with Confrontation   Increasing Productivity




Samurai Strength Vol. 13 - The Warrior's Guide to Perfect Posture

Samurai Strength Vol. 13 - The Warrior's Guide to Perfect Posture (133 pgs, 24,027 words) is based on the work I do specializing in Spinal Diagnosis and repair in my clinic, along with my own discovers from self treatment and my work as a personal trainer.

Poor posture is often the hidden cause behind a number of common ailments, including: headaches and migraine * chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain * foot, knee, hip, and back injuries * Fatigue, Muscle atrophy and weakness * Difficulty breathing * Digestion issues * Impingement and nerve compression * Sciatica * Carpal tunnel syndrome and more. It even contributes to Depression.

By contrast, great posture is the key to great health and strength!

In this volume I'll teach you about; The importance of posture and the psychological and emotional impact different stances have, the mechanics of how the spine works,

The 10 most common postural deviations, how to spot them and most importantly detailed guides on how to correct them through a series of 20 specific posture enhancing and back pain relieving stretches and over a dozen targeted exercises.

In addition, I've also included an excerpt from Irish Fighter magazine covering my backache begone pressure point series. Supported with 27 minutes of HD video instruction.





Samurai Strength Vol. 16 - The Samurai's Success Plan; A Step by Step Method for Achieving Any Goal and Living a Life of Freedom

Samurai Strength Vol. 16 - The Samurai's Success Plan; A Step by Step Method for Achieving Any Goal and Living a Life of Freedom is 180 pages of life planning brilliance and will teach you:

• How to know your life’s purpose  •  How to write your own State of the Nation Mission Statement and Plan •  How having a goal and purpose changes EVERYTHING and makes you more driven, more charismatic, more passionate and more •  How to phrase goals to give yourself the best possible chance of completing them •  How to maintain motivation and stick at your goals even when the going gets tough •  How to create an action plan that fits with your lifestyle and routine •  The power of visualization and how it helps you accomplish what you want •  How to maximize your chances of achieving what you really want •  What to do once you have successfully established your goals •

By the end of this book, you’ll have a toolset that will enable you to easily look at your life, reflect on what you might want to change and then carry out the necessary steps to make that happen. You’ll be able to become exactly who you want to be and create precisely the lifestyle you want to lead. And when you’ve done all that, life will suddenly start to make a lot more sense.

Finally, I'm also going to share with you some bonus files of the mini guides and clinic handouts I give to my patients.




Samurai Strength Vol. 18 - The Samurai Secrets to Knee Repair and Rehabilitation

Samurai Strength Vol. 18 - The Samurai Secrets to Knee Repair and Rehabilitation, standing at 425 pages long is the most detailed, comprehensive guide to the traditional self-treatment of knee injuries publically available.

In this volume I cover a detailed understanding on the Anatomy of the Knee, an Overview of the Western Medical Problems resulting in Knee Pain, Sprains, Strains and Tears – How to Recover Fast and For Life, How to diagnose and treat a wide variety of knee problems, including;

  • Strained Knees
  • Sprained Knees
  • Pulled/Torn Hamstrings
  • Dealing with Hamstring Tears
  • Chondromalacia and Runner's Knee
  • Awesome Kneecap Pain Aftercare
  • Treating Torn Knee Ligaments
  • Rehabbing a Torn ACL, MCL, LCL, or PCL
  • Treatment for a Torn Meniscus
  • Knee Bursitis
  • Arthritis Diagnosis and Treatment

This includes comprehensive western and eastern analysis of knee injuries, and even more detailed treatment plans and guides featuring;

  • 4 specific massage sequences
  • 3 key traditional stretches
  • 12 focused exercises for every stage of rehabilitation and recovery
  • 12 Herbal formulas; including balms, liniments, and pills.
  • Dozens of pressure points
  • Nutritional programs and food lists for specific patterns
  • And a special detailed section covering post-operative knee pain.

If you've ever suffered from worn, sore knees, injuries, arthritis and more this is the program for you.

Supported with extensive video footage and bonus files. Finally, I'm also going to share with you some bonus files of the mini guides and clinic handouts I give to my patients.
