Thank You for Investing in Your Health and Picking Up Perfect Body
You'll be able to download your Perfect Body PDF and Bonus Documents in just a moment. Before you do that though I'd like to offer you to upgrade to the VIDEO EDITION of Perfect Body.
Upgrade To The 7 Seconds to A Perfect Body Deluxe Edition And You Also Get my Complete Video Training Series
… You Save $79.95! (75% Off!)
Great news! Since you are ordering today, during this unprecedented crisis with the COVID-19 outbreak, I have decided have a limited-time opportunity to upgrade to the 7 Seconds to a Perfect Body Deluxe Edition. The deluxe package includes everything you got, plus you also get highly detailed video instruction in each exercise in the Perfect Body program. It’s like having me in your living room showing you exactly what I would be teaching you if I was standing in front of you.
These videos are packed with information and little details that can dramatically improve your performance of the exercises and help you get the most from the system and your physique. These videos feature complete step by step instruction and real time demonstration of every aspect of my training system. In addition there is some EXCLUSIVE videos instruction for technique not taught in the standard course.
In these videos – comprising 7 volumes (only 2 of which were previously publicly available and retailed at $19.95 each) – you can get the benefit of seeing the developer of the Perfect Body system demonstrate each and every aspect of these incredible exercises, every nuance, every subtly every additional angle that will blast fat, build staggering strength and marble like muscle is demonstrated in HD DVD quality footage. Even better you can rewind and watch them over and over again at your leisure, so it’s like having me there at you beck and call to answer your questions.
But that’s not all…
There are a series of additional exclusive videos for the deluxe edition and bonus chapters, including:
- My Spec-Op Military Warm Up. This is a specialised warm up program I was originally taught when training in Counter-terrorism. This is the same warm up I teach when training members of specialised military units such as SWAT, Navy SEALs, SAS and ERU’s. It is the most effective warm up available and is used to prepare the elite. Incorporate this into your training and you’ll be primed, resistant to injury and ensure excellent joint mobility for life.
- The Specialisation Program – My 49 Day – Complete Training Rotation – this highly guarded document has been, up till now restricted to those I privately coached. Not only does this document outline a complete day to day training regime in my system it also reveals the secrets of specialisation. Want a bigger chest, tighter waist or to focus on a particular body part or trouble area? This Inner Circle Only program shows you how to focus your training and adjust your schedule to maximise those results and achieve your goals with laser like precision.
- The Secrets of Stretching – the truth behind full flexibility – a new, specific chapter flexibility reveals why stretching DOESN’T work and reveals what does. Want to touch your toes or do the splits? I’ll share the science that will make this possible without a single stretch.
For a limited time, when you invest in the 7 Seconds to A Perfect Body the Deluxe Edition,
You also get the Daily Trainer Section!
Yep – you can work out WITH ME anytime, anywhere! Just Select your day / body part and you can follow along that day’s workout with me!
Specifically for this edition I filmed complete run-throughs of each of the 7 Sections that make up the Perfect Body Program. You can watch, follow along and train with me, just as if I WAS WITH YOU where ever you are.
NEVER before have I made that available.
You will get all the bonus material and training programs and OVER 2 HOURS of HD-DVD level video instruction in every exercise in the program (plus a few extra video exclusive ones), as well as the exclusive Spec-Op Warm Up, Specialization Program and more.
This is a great deal normally at $127 (that's what people usually buy it for) as it would cost you $216.65 to buy these video series separately, but because want you to workout workout effectively and safely from home, and this is THE BEST SYSTEM FOR THAT I’m cutting 77% off the Video Series (plus you get the FREE Daily Trainer exclusive too) and you can have it for just $49.95