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Thank you for your order of Samurai Strength: The Isometric Kata...Please DO NOT close this page.
Read these instructions carefully to be sure your access is not lost, and to see how you can get a complete volume of these incredible workouts....over 34 in a free gift!
First you will receive an email to authenticate your account with the subject line: "Confirmation Required". Inside this email you will find your activation link. Once you click this link you will instantly be sent access to the Samurai Strength Isometric Kata Downloads and Video page. Here's why this is important.
One: Because your email and password let you access the Samurai Strength members area where you can revisit the Isometric Kata workout videos whenever you need to.
Two: The Isometric Kata Workout you just order is one part of a complete training guide on Isometric Strength Training, and that training guide is part of my complete 32 Volume Health & Fitness Training library and Your Email is the KEY to access that library...where by the way I've placed the other 34 Exercises that will complete your Samurai Strength Isometrics Program.
(And don't forget your already own one of these workouts)
There are 34 Exercises that complete the Samurai Strength Volume 1: Isometrics program sitting in your "vault" under your name right now...
Previously this workout program would sell for $97, but in a second I am going to show you how to get them all completely 100% FREE
While others are struggling with weakness and can't make the time to get in shape or worse waste their precious hours to long, boring and ineffective workouts, caving to poor nutritional choices and suffering from aches pain and injury....with low energy and even lower motivation...those using Samurai Strength are doing rapid fire, scientifically proven, time honoured, results producing workouts in as little as 5 minutes.
...and now they have gone from flab, unfit, tired and uninspired to lean, experience hungry men and women who live a life other people only dream of. They have their workouts done, their bodies honed and energised, supple and ready to take on the adventure of the day before their neighbours are finished in the bathroom!
Imagine if that was you for a moment, what would your life be like? What if you were like them?
Walking down the street with a lean, even ripped, powerful body. When you walked down the street, you'd exude confidence, and people couldn’t help but turn heads in your direction…for all the right reasons.
Imagine if your appearance generated instant respect with your friends and the people you work with. They wouldn't mock your weight after you walked by the water cooler. People don't trust and respect people who are overweight - they write you off as not being able to control yourself, being impulsive. And you family, they wouldn't be worried about your health, your shortened life expectancy. You wouldn't have to hide in family pictures behind people and strategically placed furniture. (Hey, I used to be fat and unfit and weak. I know how hurtful this is). Nobody would be talking about your weight behind your back anymore...but they would gossip wanting to know you're secret.
Injured, sore joints - can't move, can't take impact and looking at a long road of recovery as your waistline expands as your motivation shrinks. Not a problem. The first 6 whole body transforming exercises in this system are done lying down. If you can lie on the floor or your bed - you can transform your body, build a lean physique and awaken with remarkable energy.
Sore knees keeping you from getting out and living life? There are over 7 different exercises that develop leg's like steel and will strengthen your knee joints and eliminate pain.
That big belly and flabby arms make you leave your shirt on when you're at the beach. Or do you just avoid going to places where you have to show off your body? With these incredible anytime, anywhere techniques with a workout lasting just minutes, you'll never be afraid to take your shirt off again...MORE than that - you may feel comfortable in your own body for the first time in years!
It's a terrible thing not to be able to do live life to the full simply because your body isn't strong enough for you to meet your goals. Be it bench pressing over 600 lbs (I've done that), bending a wrench, enjoying an active holiday or excelling in your sport you need to be strong. For most people that means spending HOURS, in the gym, toiling away and trying to get stronger while picking up illness and injuries.
You can have it all… the lean, sexy, strong body that was the envy of everyone you knew without spending hours and hours at the gym… even without going to the gym at all!
REAL PROOF That Samurai Strength Vol 1 Isometrics Works For Anyone, Including You :

This is a body built through Isometrics "Started training in high school (2010), started seriously training June 2013, only isometrics" and on Samurai Strength..."That 9th position brings it all together, because WOW. I felt my nerve energy vibrating throughout, I felt my muscles shaking, but I truly felt it in my tendons as well, especially with my inner hips"
Jarell Lindsey

I just did the first exercise and I was pumping sweat in seconds! Not to mention all the energy I had afterwards, it was AWESOME!
Thank you so much
Tyler G.

I've used these techniques in my own diet and training and you can SEE THE RESULTS!
Ray L.
The fitness market focus on young people between 20-35 that care about their appearance, and want to attract better partners, have a better body, and enjoy sport and health more. That’s pretty much it. And most of that is devoted to men who want to get big muscles or women who want to lose weight off the belly, bums and thighs.
Those who have been injured by these programs are ignored. They don’t want to take the time and effort to worry about you and they certainly don't care about the effect their program will have on you in 5-10 years time. . It’s not easy and they can’t make as much money off you. Don’t get me wrong there are some trainers that specialize in rehab, and most of them don’t have a clue as to what actually would get you over an injury fast. In fact most of their advice actually makes the healing process slower than it needs to be.
Those over 50 have an even greater risk of injury with the conventional programs they offer. Further they are incorrectly seen as needing more time to train. That isn’t the case, it’s just a sign of a poor, uneducated, uninterested trainer. Hey they want things simple. They don’t want to have to develop “modifications” to their programs or exercises.
What is more they shouldn’t need to. If they knew what they were doing in the first place the program and training routines they devised should be performable by anyone, regardless of injury, age or experience.
The training systems I teach and train are designed primarily to ensure good health, strength and vitality well into you 90's! For instance Ippei sensei of the Meibukan Okinawa Goju ryu. He's 75 years old and built like a powerhouse. The man is a solid rock of muscle.
Omori Sensei is 85 and continues to demonstrate Japanese Swordsmanship with a heavy steel samurai sword. I don't know many 85 year old's that live to that age and still command such strength and ability. Most of them don't have knees or hips that would let them move like that, let alone pull off a demo like that. But he's not alone.
Most of the great Iai (Japanese swordsmanship) Sensei live well into their late 90's, even the early 100's and still train daily
Proper training is based on UNSHAKABLE PRINCIPLES that underlie everything that is required to change the body and increase heart and lung health, strengthen bones, and joints, increase muscle and strength and decrease fat. It shouldn’t matter if you’re 20 or 60, fit or fat, man or a woman – the PRINCIPLES OF STRENGTH AND FITNESS REMAIN THE SAME.
That means if it works for a 20 year old man, it can work for a 75 year old woman with a bad back. You’ve seen that in the case studies I’ve released. The same program helped a 62 year old man develop a 6 pack, a 51 year old woman drop 10% body fat and build 13.2lbs muscles in 2 weeks and more.
ALL OF US – YOU INCLUDED work according to the SAME laws of physics and principles of human physiology…which means this program will work for you.
Never Again Feel
- Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
- Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains
- Pain in muscles and joints
- Sudden drop in performance
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore throats)
- Decrease in training capacity / intensity
- Moodiness and irritability
- Depression
- Loss of enthusiasm
- Decreased appetite
- Increased incidence of injuries

Read what these folks achieved when they added my workouts into their lives.

A proper program should increase your health, not risk it. It should be the foundation of your health, supporting and enhancing your immune system, reducing the risk of injury and better preparing you and your body systems for a vigorous, full life.
Yet many trainers and fitness professionals instead of recognizing that you are suffering from the cumulative damage caused by their inefficient programs decide to push you harder – that YOU aren’t working hard enough – where the REAL PROBLEM is that they aren’t training you properly. It is their programs that don’t produce results, their stubborn insistence that they are right regardless of medical fact that leads to a compound of minor injuries that build and build and build resulting in chronic injury that will impact the rest of your life.
This is the truth, weight lifting is not half as effective as Isometrics for the development of strength and it carries significant risks for your long term health. With Samurai Strength it is INCREDIBLY SIMPLE to build muscle and strength VERY quickly. It does not involve lifting weights and constantly changing programs or making things increasingly complex. In fact it is just the opposite. With increases in muscle and strength less needs to be done in order to improve. Shocking, but true, both medically and practically speaking. I’ve done it myself and with countless clients.
Here's How It Works
Samurai Strength is more than your typical fitness program. For one thing I am not going to just sell you a program abandon you. I'm here, with you, for the long haul. Samurai Strength contains over 30 volumes of detailed instruction, both comprehensive written programs and of course full HD Video downloads.
Here's a quick overview of what I'll be teaching you....
- Samurai Isometrics - over 43 martial arts originated Isometrics designed not only to build muscle built insane levels of connective tissue strength.
- Taren Conditioning exercises - A traditional Samurai workout and conditioning program with a big ass stick. Plus my Tanren Isometrics and stretching program.
- Special Forces Modern Samurai Solo Conditioning drills - these are combined to create a comprehensive callisthenics exercises system used by special forces groups everywhere
- Special Forces Stretching - Modern Samurai Stretching program for the combat ready warrior plus my back mobility Isometric stretching program.
- Special Forces Modern Samurai Partner Conditioning drills - yep, get a workout biddy and lift them! I'll also show you some group activity and co-ordination techniques in this volume - some cool stuff, like how to search high walls for explosives and other awesome little tricks.
- Advanced Arm Specific Isometrics - Close to 30 Individual Isometric Exercises for the arms utilising a traditional samurai tool that you can pick up and bring with you everywhere. Then there will be a volume for abs, back, chest and legs
- Advanced Isometric Occlusion Training - this is off the charts insane level stuff. Dangerous in the wrong hands.
- Injury Recovery - comprehensive guides for every body part, including, Isometrics, Joint mobility, pressure points, liniment, balm, plasters and herbal formula recipes and more. Example of the level of detail for this - the Neck guide is over 200 pages. smile emoticon I have one of these guides for the NECK, SHOULDER, BACK, HIPS, KNEES, ELBOWS, WRISTS, ANKLES and more.
- Samurai Nutrition and Philosophy - probably the most important book I'll ever release in this series. Covers everything, how to live life, how to approach stress, trauma, joy etc how to deal with multiple life situations and all while focusing on Samurai and TCM nutrition. I'll even teach you how to identify illness and disease accurately and how to correctly fix this and prevent illness with your foods. Food is the THE best medicine and the port of first call in the treatment of disease according to TCM and the samurai physicians.....
- And there's a WHOLE lot more.

An Exercise from Vol1 - yes my back is that wide and muscular

Shoulder Conditioning from my Special Forces training

Detailed Pressure Point Guides to Unlock Injury Recovery, Increases Strength, Stamina and more
STOP FAILING FORWARD… It’s Time To Take Control Of Your Destiny And SPEED Towards True Success
Let me explain…
…I’ve seen hundreds of people just like you.
They arrive at pages like this, and do nothing. They fail to even start.
This is typical.
I’ve seen it time and time again.
But it doesn’t need to be like this.
You don’t need to fail.
You could achieve the body of your dreams, incredible strength, a lean, sexy, powerful body, be free from injury and illness and you could do it FASTER and EASIER then you thought possible.
It’s actually quite simple.
It all starts with taking the RIGHT STEP forward today.
When you invest Samurai Strength today you’ll receive:
Volume #1: Isometrics - Strength Secret of the Samurai FREE
Complete the course that features your Isometric Kata! This is one of the most important pieces of Samurai Strength as it allows you to build that lean, healthy, sexy, strong body with JUST minutes of exercise. Here you will learn:
Over 34 New Isometric Exercises
I've broken down these techniques, based on centuries old martial arts strengthening programs, into 4 groups
The Lying Sequence - a series of 15 exercises performed, lying down that develop the entire body.
The Standing Sequence - a series of 15 exercises performed from a standing position
The Neck Sequence - a series of 4 incredible exercises that utilise hidden pressure points to supercharge the body's health and treat specific illnesses
The Isometric Kata - The 144 Second Sequence that stripped nearly 100 lbs from Patient A in just 12 weeks! This is the part you have right now. But there's a lot more to this volume!
The Breath of Vitality

A 90+ page pdf manual covering:
- Ancient breathing methods, known to the Samurai to build laser like focus and incredible, near supernatural strength
- Detailed descriptions of all the exercises
- HD photos illustrating every posture and move, including variations I'm not counting in the total...oh and there are some x-rays to show proper bone alignment
- Detailed pressure points guides to unlock hidden energy and healing techniques - never before revealed to a western audience
Over 2 hours of HD Video Training
EVERY exercise taught in HD Digitial Video that you can access any time, anywhere.
Access to my full webinar for this volume, teaching:
- The 9 exercises of the The Isometric Kata,
- Dynamic Tension and Isometrics
- Fundamental martial arts techniques
- Proper punching techniques
- Defences against being grabbed
There's a lot, lot more inducing some unannounced bonus footage...
For a short time at the start of the launch I will be including some additional bonus files including:
- A 20+ guide on Herbal Formulas used by the Samurai to augment and improve their training, recovery and meditation. Included are easy to make formulas to build blood and muscle, to build energy and focus and to quieten the mind and spirit for relaxation and meditation.
- An 10+ page detailed routine guide to give you multiple different workouts using this system, how to integrate it with my other programs and the 20 week Isometric Tanren Challenge!
- 12 Formula and Recipe Cards - 4 training formulas, a recovery formula, weight loss soup and five weight loss teas!
- 4 HD Training Posters - Easy to print out high pixel reference posters that you can hang in your training space! These posters are beautiful to look at and really effective for helping you keep the sequence in mind!

A limited BONUS! One of the printable Wall Charts so you can quickly reference the Samurai Strength Isometrics that will rapidly change your physique

Detailed Pressure Point Location Maps to Enhance the Effect of Your Workouts

HD Images & Crystal Clear Video for EVERY exercise. Know EXACTLY how to get the most from EVERY muscle, EVERY workout

Printable detailed wall posters, showing you how to prepare easy to make teas to rapidly accelerate your metabolism, build muscle, increase energy and more!
Remember, each month you are going to get access to a NEW COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM.
These aren't fluff content - but fully detailed complete programs that I sell on my sites for $97-$127 including:
Vol. 3 Secrets of the Special Forces
Inside Samurai Strength Vol. 3: Secrets of the Special Forces you’ll…
- Discover 72 Exercises Used by Special Forces Units Around the world, to be the leanest, strongest, fastest, fittest warriors on the planet and....
- 11 Routines that Generate OVER 2.1 MILLION workouts. These are used on A Daily Basis by SEALS, MARINES, GSG9 and more. You can use the same training - No Experience Necessary - I've explained EVERYTHING.
- Find Out How You Can Achieve A Special Forces Level of Fitness and Strength Quicker Than You Ever Thought Possible (workouts are under 5 mins!)
- Easily Overcome Laziness, Weakness, Injury and a Lack of Time And Turn Samurai Strength: Secrets of the Special Forces Into The Best Investment You’ve Ever Made
Vols. 6 & 7: Secrets of Samurai Nutrition
Inside Samurai Strength Vol. 6 & 7: Secrets of the Samurai Nutrition you’ll get…
- Over 400 pages the most practical and complete guide to nutrition, both eastern and western food to blast fast, build muscle and even treat illness, these may be the most important books I've written
- Over 1,000 pages of additional support material including; 7 Cookbooks with easy to follow and simple to prepare delicious meals
- Rapid Body Fat Ripping Meal Plans and programs
- Muscle and mass building guides
- Simple straight forward methods on how to diagnose hundreds of medical complaints, and treat them through food
- 6 Rapid Diagnosis Health Sheets, with pressure points, food lists and exercises for the most common imbalances
- Over 30 minutes of detailed HD instruction and cooking videos, and a whole lot more
Vol. 8 Secrets of Shoulder Strength & Repair
Inside Samurai Strength Vol. 8: Secrets of the Shoulder Strength & Repair you’ll…
- Get, at 246 pages the most complete guide to rehabbing, rebuilding and strengthening the shoulder available to the public
- A step by step method to accurately self-diagnose any shoulder injury, from breaks to bursitis, strains, sprains tears and dislocations
- Detailed step by step do it yourself treatment guides on how to best correct shoulder injuries, including First Aid, Self Treatment & Aftercare to prevent chronic pain and weakness
- Learn why ICE and RICE could the worst thing you do for your shoulder and leave you with a lifetime of pain and restricted movement
- Discover how to use precise, easy to find pressure points to permanently relieve pain
- How to make herbal pills, balms and liniments that ease pain, build blood, repair bone and accelerate healing
- 10 Key Exercises to insure complete recovery and build shoulders so strong you'll injury proof them permanently
- Over 30 minutes of detailed HD instruction videos,
Vol. 14 Secrets of Self Defence
Inside Samurai Strength Vol. 14: Secrets of Self Defence you’ll…
- Over 4 hours of HD Streaming Instruction on EVERY point of self defence
- Know EXACTLY how to prepare for and avoid violence
- Learn the 7 Stepping Mechanics to ensure you are always on your feet and defeating your opponents
- Discover the right way to train - do this right and in 15 seconds you'll be able to defend yourself. Do it wrong, like most boxers and MMA students and you'll be leaving yourself open to a world of pain
- Learn the only 8 Blocks you'll EVER need
- Train the 33 devastating strikes, blows, taught by an international self defence expert guaranteed to end a violent conflict in your favor
- Discover the ONE technique that nearly every fatality of criminal violence avoids and how you can learn it and apply it in less than 1 minute.
- This is the most detailed foundational course on hand to hand self defence published that I am aware of. This is literally life saving information that is usually only taught to my in-person students at my $1,000 training events.
Monthly Q&A and Coaching Sessions
One of the best parts of Samurai Strength, outside of the incredible content, it is the monthly Q & A. It's something I really enjoy and look forward to each month. During the Q&A's I answer all your questions on the various volumes and even on material outside of them. They are fantastic, were I get to connect with my readers LIVE and talk to you about what's going on in your world. This is where I get to provide feedback on your training program's, how to integrate various training programs, how to achieve your goals and even really out there topics. In one recent Q&A I gave a whole crash course in how to deal with a Live Shooter situation (I'm an instructor in Counterterrorism survival among my other qualifications).
You'll also get access to ALL the previous Q&A's - that's over 15 hours of content! And you get EVERY future recording in case you miss one of these meetings.

Taken during my riot training with members of the British and Irish Police and Special Forces

The US Navy SEALS Pushup Drills - just one of the 72 Exercises used by Special Forces to build legendary Strength, Endurance and Fitness (don't worry modifications included!)

Delicious and FAT BURNING Chocolate Cookies, taken from my personal recipes books

Healing Traditional Samurai Soups - just one of hundreds of quick and simple recipes you can use to shred fat, build muscle and heal your body

Use this point the right way and you can permanently relieve shoulder pain. Just one of dozens of pressure points I teach in this course

Why is this specific area of the hand so important and how does knowing this protect you from weak strikes and bad breaks delivered by many martial artists and boxers who don't know what you will

Learn the 15 second secret to training properly and delivering devastating punching power regardless of your size and strength

Learning how to defend against garrotting during Counterterrorism Training with members of the British Services
62% off the "Normal" Rate!
ONLY $127.00 $47.00
That’s right… Your investment today is just $47.00…
(That's 62% off the normal rate of $127 a month.)
But fair warning:
You will never see this offer again. Once this window closes, so does your opportunity to join Samurai Strength at this discounted rate and receive all these bonuses.
Again, the first step to becoming a member can be found just below this video, and Samurai Strength Vol. 1: Isometrics, with over 2 hours of HD Steaming instruction and the full pdf manual is waiting for you on the other side.
All you need to do is scroll down and select a payment option that works best for you...
...and you’re in!
This is your chance to be an insider for a change... know EXACTLY what you need to do instead of having to spend all your precious time reading long-winded blog posts and attending boring cardio sessions.
But if you believe that everything you are doing in your training is really going to get those results for you (and ask yourself, honestly, how is that working out for you?) and that you can figure out these critical exercises, nutritional strategies, motivational techniques and rehab and injury prevention on your own simply select “Revoke My Access” and you’ll be downgraded to basic membership.
You’ll still be able to access the Isometric Kata that your purchased today, but the full Samurai Strength manual will be removed from your library.
But if you are who I think you are...someone who is passionate about being in great shape, looking great and feeling even better...then we need you.
Please join us, and one by one we’ll form an unstoppable force.
Select the upgrade option below right now to join Samurai Strength and receive all these amazing gifts...
Remember: You won’t find this offer anywhere else on Samurai Strength or This is just for you because you have already taken the first step by investing in one of my workout programs.
But once this window closes, so does your opportunity.
Oh yeah, and you can cancel at any time, so you have nothing to lose.
Select the upgrade option now to join Samurai Strength, and receive instant access to the Samurai Strength Vol.1: Isometrics and all the other member benefits you have coming to you.
Monthly Membership
YES! I’d like to upgrade my membership to Samurai Strength as a monthly member for $47.00 today then $47.00 every 30 days as long as I remain a member. I understand that I can cancel anytime.