Thank You for Investing in Your Health and Picking Up Perfect Body
Last thing before you get to your downloads, I promise. During this very difficult time I am putting together a 6-week Private Group Coaching. This will be run via Facebook in a Private Invitation Only Group.
In this 6-week Private Group Coaching I'll personally be giving you advanced training in:
- Advanced Isometric Exercise Methods - these methods are usually reserved only for my select private personal students
- Special Forces Fitness Training - that you can do a at home, now equipment needed and come out of this crisis read to take on any challenge
- Guidance and correction of technique - I'll assess your performance in group sessions via Zoom. So I can watch the workouts and coach you personally.
- Nutritional Coaching - you'll know exactly what, how much and when to eat to skyrocket your results
- Motivational Methods - so you embed the habit of this training in your life (you'll never need willpower again!)
- Special Breathing methods (called Tanden Kokyu) used by samurai warriors to enhance health and strength
- Traditional Chinese Medical Self Treatment Guides - Aside from being a world famous fitness trainer, I am also one of Europe's leading natural health physicians.I'll show you how to heal yourself and boost your immune system using special acupressure points
- Personal commentary, questions answered and daily support.
- and a whole lot more.
This 6-week group coaching will start June 1st 2020.
Usually a 30-minute 1-on-1 session with me over Skype/Zoom is $197. (That's what my current coaching clients pay a week). But this is a unique time in our lives, where we need to come together as a community and support each other, for our physical, mental and emotional health. Given this, I'm blocking out a few hours, away from my medical practice, every day just for you, for this group, so I can be fully present to support you.
And I am massively discounting this as my way of making sure everyone has the opportunity to join.
Join the Group and Get me Consulting and Coaching You for only
That means you get access to the world's foremost expert in Isometrics and one of Europe's leading experts on natural medicine, for less than $12 a day.